Customer Centricity Month 2023: Creating resilient organisations

Customer Centricity Month 2023 is now live! Sign up for a month of content and online events that dive into how you can plan for the future whilst managing the day-to-day.

2023 has been another uncertain year for many organisations. As uncertainty becomes the norm, businesses need to do more than just survive. They need to thrive

Organisations must maintain a competitive edge, even when times are tough.

Our research tells us that prioritisation is a big concern for many businesses. Getting strategy and tactics right can be tough - it's a balancing act. Too much focus on your tactics and you might reduce your long term sustainability, competitiveness and growth, but too much emphasis on your strategy might result in slower agility to change.

This year for Customer Centricity Month 2023, we will be holding five webinars throughout November that will look at how you can plan for the future whilst managing the day-to-day. And most importantly, how putting the customer at the heart of all business decisions can help you to do so. 

We’ll cover:

  • Staying competitive in challenging times
  • Building customer-centric teams
  • Using impact mapping to prioritise the right thing
  • Prototyping to deliver more value, sooner 
  • Prioritising at transformation level

For each webinar we will also be joined by expert design leaders who will give examples of the topics in practice. Sign up to reserve your space now! 

Staying competitive in challenging times

When: Wednesday 1st November 11am - 12pm

Host: Stuart Tayler, Practice Director, cxpartners

Even though times are tough, you can’t afford to fall behind. In this session we will review some different strategies for prioritising work – from “playing it safe” to “sticking to your guns” to more extreme approaches to agility. We’ll look at how different organisations have applied the strategies and the things you need to consider if you adopt them. Above all else, we will show why customer centricity is key, and show you ways you can bring it into every strategy.

Building customer-centric teams

When: Wednesday 8th November 11am - 12pm

Hosts: Neil Schwarz, Experience Strategy Director, cxpartners and Riz Hussain, Principal Service Designer, cxpartners

Customer insight is key to delivering good products and services. And even if your prioritisation strategy is to “play it safe”, customer insight can still help you de-risk your work. But where do you start? By building a team that can champion working in a customer centric way. In this session we will be looking at the steps organisations can take to set-up a team and bring customer insight into their decision making. We’ll dive into the skills and processes you’ll need, the types of projects to focus on, and the political wrangling you’ll need to do.

Using impact mapping to prioritise the right thing

When: Wednesday 15th November 11am - 12pm

Host: Nicola Pritchard, Principal Service Designer, cxpartners

If you want to remain competitive in challenging times, you're going to have to make big bets. But how do you know if your bets are on the things that could have the most impact for your teams, organisation, and those you serve?  Impact mapping is an effective way to identify and align on your short and longer term outcomes. It is a key tool and process for prioritising and setting your intent around the positive impact you aim to have on your business, on wider society and the planet.

In this session we will be looking at what impact mapping is, we’ll cover the key stages of the methodology, and how it can help your business achieve better and more sustainable outcomes. 

Prototyping to deliver more value, sooner

When: Wednesday 22nd November 11am - 12pm

Host: Sam Stevens, Principal UX Consultant, cxpartners 

To remain competitive in challenging times you’ll need to prioritise investment in new initiatives. That can seem daunting and risky. But rather than waiting until launch to see if the initiative will be a success, you can see value sooner through prototyping. Prototyping things early – even bold new ventures – can help you stay ambitious while lowering risk.

In this session, we will dive into how to break down large initiatives into meaningful prototypes that you can test with customers. We’ll look into how to make sure you’re intentional, focused and efficient so that you can be nimble and adapt to what you learn.

Prioritising at transformation level

When: Wednesday 29th November 11am - 12pm

Host: Amanda Payne, Experience Strategy Director, cxpartners

Using customer insight can help you make evidence-based prioritisation decisions that will have a positive impact. But your organisation needs to be customer-centric to be able to gather, listen and respond effectively to that insight. And this is true for public service organisations as well as commercial organisations.

In this session, we’ll look at how we have adapted our Customer Centricity Model specifically for public services. We’ll then review how we expect organisations in the public sector to use the model to help shift their culture and behaviours so that they are more focussed on the people they serve.

Sign up to Customer Centricity Month 2023 for access to all the webinars and content we’ll be publishing throughout November. 

Lauren is the Marketing Executive here at cxpartners and along with the rest of the marketing team, she is responsible for ensuring that everyone knows about the brilliant work that we do.