
Improving access to support for gambling harms.

Sectors: Public Services. Year: 2024

GambleAware commission a network of organisations who provide support for people experiencing harm from gambling. But they didn’t know what it was like for people to find and receive support through this network.

Through sensitive research with people who have experienced gambling harms, we mapped this experience. We identified problems and created a roadmap of improvements.

We created a page about the network on GambleAware’s site. This explained what the network does, to people looking for support.

And then we created online guidelines for providers, helping people to choose and access the right service.


  • A user perspective: GambleAware understood the support network experience, from the perspective of the people using it.
  • Actionable insight: GambleAware could see what needed to be improved, and our roadmap showed them how.
  • Clarity about getting support. Our GambleAware web page clarified the support path for potential service users, helping them feel more comfortable about getting treatment.
  • Better support journeys. Our online guidelines help support providers create more consistent journeys, and make it easier for people to find appropriate services.

The problem to solve

GambleAware aims to educate people about gambling harms, prevent those harms, and ensure people can access the right support.

To help people access support in their local area, GambleAware commissions a network of treatment providers: The National Gambling Support Network (NGSN).

People should be able to use GambleAware’s site to find a local provider from the NGSN, and then access their services. 

But, GambleAware didn’t have a clear understanding of what this journey is like for people.

Were there barriers, problems, or opportunities that they didn’t know about?

What we did

Understanding the support experience

We created a map of the experience of finding and receiving support through the NGSN. This was based on research with people who had experienced gambling harms, and people affected by others’ gambling (like partners). This included people from minority communities, and people who speak English as a second language.

An Experience Map of finding and receiving support.

An important finding was that people didn’t understand who the network was for, what to expect, or what to do next. People didn’t think services were for them, so weren’t comfortable enough to get support. 

And we found there isn’t enough support for people affected by others’ gambling, leading to isolation and stress.

We also created a roadmap of improvements, e.g. providing content for affected families and friends; and raising awareness of the self-help available in different languages.

Our roadmap. Each item has more detail when clicked.

Explaining the support network

To tackle people’s lack of understanding about the NGSN, we created a webpage on

Our design for a page about the National Gambling Support Network.

Through multiple rounds of prototyping and research, we found the key points to hit.

For instance, we needed to be specific about the types of support available – one-to-one therapy, rehabilitation centres, or group courses.

Listing the specific types of treatment.

And, prior to research, everyone assumed we needed a map that visualised the possible treatment paths. But, as each path is unique, we found a simple 3-step view was clearer.

A simple three-step view of the support path.

Improving the journey into the support network

Our research showed that NGSN provider websites weren’t helping understanding.

As people moved from GambleAware’s site to different provider sites, they found each one was different. This made it hard to choose an appropriate service.

So, we created guidelines for providers to design their websites. These included what content to use, how to write it, and how to reduce stigma.

Design guidelines for members of the National Gambling Support Network.
More design guidelines.
Content design guidelines.

Again, research revealed the right points to hit.

People wanted specifics about the treatments offered. And they wanted to know where the service operates, so they could be sure they were eligible.

How the guidelines could be applied for Beacon Counselling Trust, a support network member.

The guidelines will allow the NGSN to create consistent experiences, and help people find an appropriate service.

Research with people affected by gambling harms

There is a stigma around gambling, and we didn’t want to create further harm.

We took a number of measures. For example:

  • We worked with advisory groups to shape our approach.
  • We checked our safeguarding practices with GambleAware.
  • We spoke to people before research sessions – checking they really understood what they were taking part in, and finding out how else we could make them comfortable
  • After the research, we invited them to sessions where we shared our findings and asked for feedback.

Our goal was to give research participants more control over what was said about them.


A user perspective

Our research helped GambleAware to understand the NGSN service, but from the perspective of the people using it.

They could see what needed to be improved, and our roadmap showed them where to start.

Clarity about getting support

Our GambleAware web page, explaining the support network, clarified the path forward and helped people feel more comfortable. And it helped people affected by others’ gambling.

Coming from a place of worry, this is a really welcoming place.

Research participant

I know what I can do next.

Research participant

It encompasses everyone. Not just focused on the person gambling.

Research participant

Better support journeys

Our guidelines for NGSN providers’ landing pages will help them to create more consistent journeys from GambleAware’s site.

It will make it easier for people to check if the service is right for them, and then take action.

Ultimately, the work will make it easier for people to access support.

It was so evident the genuine care you had for this piece of work […] You all offer a strong set of skills alongside passion, creativity, relatability and just being super on top of everything! It’s been a pleasure working with you all.

Emily Moimoi Commissioning Support Offer

Learn more about GambleAware

Amanda Payne

Reach out to Amanda Payne

Experience Strategy Director